Friday, December 16, 2011

Fighting the crave

I am right now craving alcohol... lots of it. I must fight these urges vigorously since every ounce of me wanting a few drinks. In order to battle these urges i must tell myself why I should not go and get the alcohol. Number 1- alcohol may make you feel happy right when you drink it, however, the following day usually results in feelings of depression and fatigue. On top of that, the drinks cost nearly 8 dollars, which could be better spent on a weeks worth of food! Also, no matter how light the beer may be, it will contribute to making me fat- so it is better if I refuse to drink anything of the sorts, instead I will drink water.

I now have successfully destroyed my craving... from now on i will journal when I receive these intense food cravings.

Addiction be gone.

The day the earth died

I screwed up already and ate a frosty. Now, I did not seek out the frosty... the frosty was offered to me as a gesture of goodwill and I could not coldly refuse it. Sometimes it is necessary to graciously accept gift in order to politically maneuver in the work force.

THOUGH!!! I did find a fantastic recipe for 20 dollars per week. I think this will be my new goal:

Here’s How I Do It:

Chipotle Vegetarian Black Bean Chili – I make a huge pot of this on Sunday and eat it for lunch and dinner throughout the week. The recipe below easily makes about 12-14 hearty servings.

2 lbs Black Beans ( I buy these dry, in 4lb bags because it ends up being cheaper ) $2.89
7 oz can of Chipotle Peppers in adobo sauce. ( These have so much flavor you really don’t need to add any more spices) $1.75
28 oz can of Diced Tomatoes. ( Could probably go cheaper, and healthier, with fresh tomatos, but this is so fast ) $1.99
2 Carrots, chopped. ( 57 cents a pound ) $0.22
2 Red Bell Peppers, chopped. ( red are usually the cheapest – 35 cents a pound – and contribute the most flavor ) $1.40
One large onion, chopped. $0.79
4 or 5 cloves of garlic, smashed and chopped. $0.15
Rinse the beans, throw them in a big pot, and add 12 cups of water. Bring to boil and let cook while you chop and prep the other ingredients. Throw everything else in the pot and reduce to medium low heat. Stir occasionally until beans get soft, about 2 hours.

This won’t win any chili cook-offs, and purists will argue that it’s not ACTUALLY chili, but it’s pretty damn good for the price. A double serving of this (about a cup and a half) is only about 200 calories, has almost no fat, very little sodium, 30g of fiber, and 18g of protein. Not bad!

Total: $9.19

Steel Cut Oatmeal and Blueberries – I eat this for breakfast everyday. Prepare the oatmeal according to directions on the packaging, and then add frozen blueberries just before it’s done cooking. This can all be made in one giant batch and then refrigerated so it’s ready to go in the morning before work, or you can prepare it fresh, if you like.

John McCann Steel Cut Oatmeal. $5.95 at Trader Joe’s
Bag of Frozen Blueberries. $1.99 at Trader Joe’s
Total: $7.94

That leaves a little over $2 remaining. I usually buy two single servings of greek yogurt ($0.79) for after-weight-training snacks.

Grand Total: $18.71

Hell, you could even treat yourself to a cup of coffee with what’s left!

Hope this helps!



Thursday, December 15, 2011


I grow increasingly weary in this dimly lit room. The computer gently lifts my gaze with flashes of strangely organized light.
I know what you are thinking...

I've ingested some hardcore hallucinogen.... le sigh. no. no i have not.

In this fateful day 12/15/2011, i have chosen to embark on a great quest. One that will involve hours of determined resolve. Back off yo, what I is saying brotha, is that I must be totally committed to my plan. You see, this all began when one day i had decided to gain some muscle. I went to work out 3 days a week and began to grow. SImultaneously i began eating monstrous amounts of food. This gorging of the esophagus lead to quicker and cheaper meals.... the fast food trap of american society.
Shackled by the chains of the delectable mcnugget and medium coke, i ate and ate to my warming hearts content. The strings of my soul sang upon ingesting the magnificent burger king's chef choice burger, or Dave's special at Wendys... Ohhhh how i longed for a subway chicken bacon ranch, or a waltz down the Arby's lane. They weren't kidding about good mood food, i felt like i had downed 3 bottles of dopamine and injected Ecstasy into my jugular.
All the merriment of drug abuse where infused into the food i was eating now up to 3 times a day. Even more disturbing is how I was anxiously awaiting the next episode of Epic Meal Time every Wednesday. I was sick and quickly loosing the battle of the bulge. Today i started noticing my dwindling health when i grew out of breath from dancing for 2 minutes to Kinect Dance Central 2.

How can a guy that used to run every morning at 7:30 am no be more out of shape than a cheese puff.

Something has gone wrong, but ladies and genetlemen, we are not here just to complain!!!

Well mo fo... far from it.

It is time to begin the quest. TO rid MYSELF of this addiction and STOP WASTING 1000 of dollars clogging my arteries and layering tires around my waist.

The plan is quite simple and begins with careful analysis of the problem along with well researched and documented attempts at solving it.

Firstly, a meal plan will be put together and placed forth in a organized and efficient procession of thought. Indeed a meal plan must include adequate vitamins and minerals. A healthy supply of lean proteins along with nutrition derived through green vegetables. SIMPLICITY is key- since we would like to emulate the fast food convenience. Simply put, the food we buy most NOT exceed 20 dollars per week. It must include 2 servings of protein per day, 2 servings of vegetables per day, 1 serving of carbohydrate per day, and a variety of legumes and additional as required protein supplements.

BEFORE embarking on the quest outline directly above, we must cleanse the body of harmful toxins, including the cravings of highly fat surgery food content.

As motivation, I will spend 10 minutes per day contemplating my bank account as well as my early death should i not chose to embark on said quest.

AS well, i will envision a healthier physique, uncoummbered by layers of fat. Lower levels of cortisol and higher levels of physical and mental energy.

This is the only way to live, and I must follow this path with both dedication and certainty.

If you would like to join me in my plan, please read along as we discover the hidden realms of actualization.

Thank you all and goodnight.